1. The Electoral
System of India is largely based on the pattern of
2. The details
regarding the Electoral System of India
were provided by the Parliament through
a number of laws
3. Who has the
power to make necessary provisions with respect to elections
4. Who is
competent to declare the elections to the Lok Sabha
- President
5. What is the
outstanding feature(s) of the Electoral System of India
(i) Politicalparties are an indispensable
part of the process, (ii) Based on Universal Adult Franchise, &(iii)
Provides a single electoral body
6. Elections to
Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly in India are conducted on the basis of
Adult Franchise
7. What is the
system used to elect the President of India
8. Who is
authorized to determine the territorial constituencies after each Census
9. Which of the
following provisions kept democracy alive in India
10. Chief
Minister of a State is not eligible to vote in the Presidential Election if
he is
-- Member of the Legislative Council of
the State Legislature
11. Voting age of
citizens is changed from 21 to 18 years by ____ Constitutional AmendmentAct.
12. 61st
Constitutional Amendment reduced the voting age from --
21 to 18
13. Citizen of
India have the right to cast his vote after attaining the age of _____ years.
- 18
14. Elections in
India are held on the basis of
Single-member constituencies
15. The Chief
Election Commissioner
- Appointed by the President
16. The Chief
Election Commissioner holds Office
for a fixed term of five years
17. The number of
Members in Election Commission including the Chairman is
18. Which Article
under the Constitution gives power to Election Commission to conductelections
19. The control
and preparation of electoral rolls for Parliament and State Legislature vest
withthe -
Election Commission
20. Election to
Local Self Government shall be conducted by --
State ElectionCommission
21. Who will
conduct the elections to posts of President and Vice President
Election Commission
22. Election
Commission does not conduct election to
- Speaker of Lok Sabha
23. Who has been
made responsible for free and fair elections in the country
ChiefElection Commissioner
24. Elections to
Lok Sabha shall be held after every
Five years
25. For election
to Lok Sabha, nomination papers can be filed by
Any citizenwhose name appears in the
electoral roll
26. The party
system in India can be described as
27. Which one of
the following is a feature of the party system in India
- There isa close resemblance in the
policies and programmes of various political
28. In India, the
citizens have been given the right to vote on the basis of
29. Which
categories of persons are not entitled to exercise vote through postal ballot
Indian nationals settled abroad
30. Which body
gives recognition to political parties
Election Commission
31. Main
consideration which prompted government to convert Election Commission into
amulti-member body was
- To check the unbridled powers of the
Chief ElectionCommissioner
32. Who accords
recognition to various political parties as national or regional parties
-- Election Commission
33. To be
recognized as a national party, a party must secure at least
- 4% of the validvotes in four or more
34. To be
recognized as a regional party, a party must secure at least
of thevalid votes in State
35. Which one of
the following statements about the Election Commission is correct
-The Members of the Election Commission
have equal powers with the Chief ElectionCommissioner
36. Which of the
following is not the function of the Election Commission
-Selecting candidates for contesting
37. This is not
the function of the Election Commission.
Ascertain the suitability ofcandidates
38. Election
disputes shall be decided by the
- Election Commission
39. In terms of
Election laws in India, electioneering ceases in a constituency at
least____hours before the commencement of the polling.
- 48
40. The Election
Commission does not conduct election to the
Post of PrimeMinister
41. The Election
Commission has no power to conduct election to the
Speaker of LokSabha
42. The Election
Commission is responsible for the conduct of elections to
(i)Parliament, (ii) Offices of President
and Vice President & (iii) State Legislatures
43. The Election
Commission of India enjoys
Constitutional basis
44. The Election
Commission generally consists of the Chief Election Commissioner and
suchother Commissioners as
- determined by the President from time
to time
45. Chief
Election Commissioner can be removed from Office before the expiry of the
term bythe
- President on the recommendation of the
46. Chief
Election Commissioner shall be removed by the
47. Who of the
following has voting rights
Adult resident citizen of a State
48. Who is
responsible for keeping the voters’ list up-to-date at all times
49. The first
general elections were held in India in (OR) When did first General Elections
50. Which of the
following General Elections of India was spread over for 100 days
51. Which of the
following features of the Electoral System of India
(i) It is based on Universal Adult
Franchise, (ii) Political parties are an indispensable part of the
electoralprocess & (iii) It provides a single electoral body
52. The term
‘Fourth Estate’ refers to
- Press
53. The chief
merit of proportional representation is
- representation to all parties inthe
legislature according to their strength
54. In India, the
system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote
isused in the election of the
55. Regional
Election Commissioners may be appointed by the
56. Regional
Election Commissioners may be appointed by the President with the
Election Commission
57. Other
Election Commissioner or Regional Election Commissioners shall be removed on
therecommendation of the
- Chief Election Commissioner
58. Which of the
following Lok Sabha was dissolved before the expiry of its nominal term
andfresh elections held before the due date
59. The
Parliamentary elections of 1999, which have been described as the longest
elections ofIndia, were spread over _______ weeks.
60. Which one of
the following regional party emerged as the largest opposition party in
theLok Sabha elections held in December, 1984
Telugu Desam Party
61. Consider the
following tasks:
(i) Supervision, direction and conduction
of elections, (ii)Preparation of electoral rolls, (iii) Proclaiming final
verdict in the case of electoral ……irregularities
62. What is the
ground on which the Chief Election Commissioner of India can be removedfrom
his Office
63. Elections to
the Lok Sabha and Legislatives Assemblies in India are held on the basis of
Adult Franchise