Bank of Bank : Reserve Bank Of India • Name of India's central banking institution : Reserve Bank of India (RBI)RBI • Reserve...

Bank of Bank : Reserve Bank Of India • Name of India's central banking institution : Reserve Bank of India (RBI)RBI • Reserve...
Sardar Vallabhai Patel Statue Q). Total cotton output has been estimated at which value for 2015-2016 beginning October 1st? 37...
President of Argentina : Mauricio Macri Q). Which of the following States has not been approved by the Indian Government for State A...
Anibal Cavaco 1. Who was appointed as Prime Minister of Portugal ? Ans- Antonio Costa 2. Who will be the first woman Secreta...
राजघाट 1. राजघाट – महात्मा गांधी 2. शान्तिवन – जवाहर लाल नेहरू 3. विजयघाट – लाल बहादुरशास्त्री 4. शक्ति स्थल – इंदिरा गांधी 5. अभय...
India vs Germany : 1- 1 1) Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif says Islamabad is ready for dialogue with New Delhi without prec...
किरण बेदी 1. प्रथम महिला भारतीय आई.ए.एस – अन्ना राजम मल्होत्रा(1951) 2. प्रथम भारतीय महिला आई.पी.एस – किरण बेदी (1972) 3. देश क...
Brand : Apple 1.Which among the following is increased by Marketing Research? a)Nominal Cost b)Profits c)Marginal Cost d)Revenue ...