Q1. World Asthma Day is being observed on ____. A. 4th May B. 5th May C. 6th May D. 7th May ANSWER: B. 5th May Q2. Name the Osc...
Q1. World Asthma Day is being observed on ____. A. 4th May B. 5th May C. 6th May D. 7th May ANSWER: B. 5th May Q2. Name the Osc...
1. New Straits Times – Malaysia 2. The Straits Times – Singapore 3. Sarawak Tribune – Malaysia 4. Tamil Murasu – Singapore^ ...
DIRECTIONS FOR QUESTIONS 1,2,3: Pick out the most appropriate word from amongst the words given below each sentence to complete it mea...
01.अब तक खोजे गए सबसे अँधेरे ग्रह का नाम क्या है? उत्तर- टीआरईएस-2 02.हमारी धरती पर एक मिनट में छह हजार बार बिजली गिरती है।...
Key board— Herman Hollerith first keypunch devices in 1930’s Transistor— John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley ( 1...
1) Name the Indian-American who was recently sworn-in as the U.S. Surgeon-General? Ans. Vivek Murthy 2) Who was on 22 April 2015 appoint...
** Ajanta- Ellora Caves (Aurangabad,Maharashtra) : Gupta rulers ** Aram Bagh (Agra,UP) : Babur ** Agra Fort (Agra,UP) : Akbar ** Akba...
1. Chief Economic Advisor - Arvind Subramanium 2. Chief Election Commissionor - Dr. Nasim Zaidi 3. RBI - RaghuRam Rajan 4...
1.Anita Desai-Fire on Mountain,In coustody,Fasting,Village by the sea, 2.Amritya Sen-Indentity and violence,The illusion of Destiny,Ar...
1.Kiral Bedi and Parminder singh-E-Governance Opportunites of India. 2.Kiran Desai-The inheritance of Loss 3.Kapil Dev-By Gods Gra...
¤ Number of bones – 206. ¤ Number of ribs – 24. ¤ Number of bones in skull – 22. ¤ Number of bones in face – 14. ¤ Number of b...