Largest Continent = Asia, 17,212,2000 square miles

Largest Continent = Asia, 17,212,2000 square miles
* October 24 – World Polio Day & United Nations Day * United Nations Day 2015 Theme – ‘Turn the World UN Blue’ * YAI Senior Na...
1. The Great Wall of China: This 4,160-mile was built to protect China from invading Huns, Mongols and others tribes and to unite forti...
✔ Agarwal Cup : Badminton ✔ Agha Khan Cup : Hockey ✔ All-India Women’s Guru Nanak ✔ Championship : Hockey ✔ Bandodkar Trophy : Footb...
✔ American Cup : Yacht Racing ✔ Ashes : Cricket ✔ Benson and Hedges : Cricket ✔ Canada Cup : Golf ✔ Colombo Cup : Football
1. Who has been appointed as chairman of Atomic Energy Commission - Sekhar Basue 2. Pragati project launched by - Andhra Pradesh G...