Q.1. Bank Marketing is treated as - (1) Transaction marketing (2) Service marketing (3) Indoor marketing (4) all of these (5) ...
Q.1. Bank Marketing is treated as - (1) Transaction marketing (2) Service marketing (3) Indoor marketing (4) all of these (5) ...
1. National award-film providing wholesome entertainment - Mary Kom 2. Kisan vikas patra money doubles in - 100 Months 3. Nob...
1. टेलीविजन का अविष्कार किया ♢ जे. एल. बेयर्ड 2. रडार का अविष्कार किया ♢ टेलर एवं यंग 3. गुरूत्वाकर्षण की खोज किसने किया ♢ न्युटन ...
*************************************************************** 1. टी. टी. ई. की फुल फार्म क्या है – ट्रैवलिगं टिकट एग्जेमिनर 2. आर. आर...
Directions (1-5) ‘P $ Q’ means ‘P is not smaller than Q’ ‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q’ ‘P # Q’ means...
1. Who was the founder of Haryanka dynasty? Answer: Bimbisara 2. Who was the last ruler of Nanda dynasty? Answer: Dhana Nanda 3. ...