1) For which operation has the RPF won an award at the National Conference of Anti Human Trafficking held in Delhi on 7th October 2015...

1) For which operation has the RPF won an award at the National Conference of Anti Human Trafficking held in Delhi on 7th October 2015...
1. The first President of USA was ? Ans. George Washington 2. Rome was founded in the year? Ans. 753 BC 3. The Great wall of China was...
1. Oscar - Film 2. Dada Sahib Phalke - Film 3. Grammy - Music 4. Pulitzer - Journalism and Literature 5. Arjun - Sports 6. Bowelay ...
1)G4 Summit(India,Germany,Brazil,Japan):New York,US attended by------ President of Brazil:Dilma Rousoff President of Japan:Shin...
First Country in World to abolish Slavery:Spain First Country in World to abolish Death Penalty(or Capital Punishment):Ven ezuela Firs...
1. U.N.O. का फुलफॉर्म क्या है?— United Nation Organisation 2. संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ दिवस किस तिथि को मनाया जाता है?— 24 अक्टूबर 3. संयुक...
brimming [(full,भरा होना)] sheepishly [(shamefully,लज़्ज़ित ढंग से)] miffed [(anger,नाराज़)] arduous [(hard,...
1. What is purpose of Jan Dhan Yojna? - Minimum one account for every family 2. Who issues RuPay card? – NPCI 3. Who is Robin Willi...
1. Which country capital is Port Victoria? – Seychelles 2. “Cry The Peacock” author? - Anita Desai 3. Atomic Energy minister of Ind...
1. 1st presidency of new BRICS bank – India 2. Zambia capital – Lusaka 3. Port Louis is capital of – Mauritius 4. Russia currency...
1. When did India become member of WTO? – 1995 2. RBI formed in which Year? – 1935 3. India's first Postal Savings Office ATM l...