1. Chairman of Peoples Republic of China -Mao-Tse-Tung 2. President of the Chinese Republic – Dr.Sun Yat Sen 3. President of U.S...

1. Chairman of Peoples Republic of China -Mao-Tse-Tung 2. President of the Chinese Republic – Dr.Sun Yat Sen 3. President of U.S...
Number of bones - 206 Number of muscles - 639 Number of kidneys - 2 Number of milk teeth - 20 Number of ribs - 24 (12 pairs) Number of...
1. विश्व का सबसे बड़ा कम्प्यूटर नेटवर्क का नाम क्या हैं?— इंटरनेट 2. ई-मेल के जन्मदाता कौन हैं?— रे. टॉमलिंसन 3. इंटरनेट में प्रयुक्त ...
BANKRUPT/INSOLVENT – Unable to pay his debts BARBARIAN – A person who is uncivilized. BARRAGE- Bombard someone with questions, crit...
ADIDAS- All Day I Dream AboutSports AUDI-Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt BMW- Baverian Motor Works AMW- Asian Motor Works GOOGLE- Globa...
Who has sworned in as Prime Minister of Egypt - Sherif Ismail Name the BCCI President who has passed away - Jagmohan Dalmiya P Siva K...
1. बाइनरी सिस्टम एक नंबर सिस्टम है जिसका आधार है– (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 10 Ans : (A) 2. कंप्यूटर में क्या अवश्य होना चाहिए कि यह ‘बूट हो ...
●INTERNATIONAL GANDHI PEACE PRIZE a) The Government of India launched the International Gandhi Peace Prize in 1995 on the occasi...
1) The Birth anniversary of Ramdhari Singh Dinkar is celebrated on: a. 22nd September b. 23rd September c. 17th September d. 18th Sept...