HTML tutorial



Back in which the spine is curved in an abnormal way
Bad or immoral behaviour or habits
Bad or immoral behaviour that involves sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.
Bad or unfavorable; not good
Based on random choices or personal whims,rather than any reason or system
Based on what is known or seen when something is first considered or dealt with
 Prima facie
Basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country,region, or organization to function properly
Be a sign of (something that is beginning to happen or will happen soon)
Be angry or upset about something and to refuse to discuss it with other people
Be deprived of a close relation or friend through their death
Be repeated several times as it is reflected off different surface
Beat or whip (someone) severely
Beautiful woman; the most beautiful woman in a particular place
Beginning or first appearance of something
Beginning or origin of something
Beginning to develop or exist
Beginning to exist; recently formed or developed
Behaviour that is accepted as socially or morally correct and proper
Behaviour that shows low morals and a great love of pleasure, money, fame, etc
Behaviour in which somebody pretends to have moral standards or opinions that they do not actually have
Behaviour, in particular sexual or legally dubious behaviour; considered improper but not seriously so 
Hanky panky
Beliefs or ideas that are very important to a group
Beliefs or opinions that do not agree with the official belief or opinion of a particular religion
Beliefs that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science
Belonging or relating to heaven
Belonging to a foreign country, supposedly from another world; unfamiliar and disturbing or distasteful
Belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else
Belonging to the basic nature of someone or something
Belonging to the middle class
Below or beneath (something)
Bending down or over; doing something that is not honest, fair, etc.
Benefits which one enjoys or is entitled to on account of one's job or position
Best or most important part of something; the point of greatest success or achievement
Best or most important person or thing
 Numero uno
Best or most important thing owned or produced by a particular organization
Better than all others
 Par excellence
Blaming or insulting (someone) in strong or violent language
Block of stone or wood that is used as the base for a pillar, statue, etc.
Body of remedial substances used in the practice of medicine
 Materia medica
Books, articles, etc., that discuss a subject carefully and thoroughly
Border or line that separates two things, such as types of work, groups of people or areas of land
Boring or unpleasant work that does not require special skill and usually does not pay much money
Bottom edge of a dress, skirt, or coat
Break off (a meeting, legal case , or game) with the intention of resuming it later
Brief and direct in a way that may seem rude or unfriendly
Brief and usually unplanned fight during a war
Brief time when an action or activity stops
Brief trips taken for pleasure
Brief trips that people take for fun usually as a group
Brief written messages or reports from one person or department in a company or organization to another
Bringing (someone who is unconscious, not breathing, or close to death) back to a conscious or active state again
Broken parts of a vehicle, building, etc., that has been badly damaged or destroyed
Brother or sister
Building and the area of land that it is on, statement or idea that is accepted as being true and that is used as the basis of an argument
Building in which grain is stored
Building in which the bodies of dead people are burned
Building or chamber above or below the ground in which a dead body is kept
Building or room in which images of stars, planets, etc., are shown on a high, curved ceiling
Building that is used for Jewish religious services
Building where aircrafts are kept
Business of making fashionable and expensive clothes for women
 Haute couture
Businesses that make money through illegal activities, loud, unpleasant noise
By or for each person
 Per capita