HTML tutorial



1) One who talks too much on trivial matters.

a) Roundabout
b) Frivolous
c) Taciturn
d) Garrulous

2) A drug or a substance that induces drowsiness.

a) Mesmerize
b) Narcotic
c) Soporific
d) Hypnotize

3) That which can be easily broken

a) Hard
b) Fussion
c) Genuine
d) Fragile

4) A decision on which one cannot go back

a) Internist
b) Irrevocable
c) Imply
d) Igneous

5) Persons who cannot work or live together in harmony

a) Incognito
b) Homely
c) Incompatible
d) Holocaust

6) Animals who eats flesh.

a) Carnivorous
b) Herbivorous
c) Omnivorous
d) None of the above

7) One who passes interest in religion.

a) Fatham
b) Fanatic
c) Religious
d) Atheist

8) To slap with a flat object.

a) Chop
b) Hew
c) Gnaw
d) Swat

9) To issue a thunderous verbal attack.

a) Animate
b) Preach
c) Fulminate
d) Chronology

10) A government by the nobles.

a) Aristocracy
b) Democracy
c) Autocracy
d) Bureaucracy

11) One who studies the pattern of voting in election.

a) Anthropologist
b) Cartographer
c) Laxicographer
d) Psephologist

12) Sound of apes is called.

a) Gibber
b) Clang
c) Bray
d) Moan

13) Murder of king or queen is called

a) Matricide
b) Regicide
c) Uxoricide
d) Parricide

14) A Voice loud enough to be heard.

a) Laudable
b) Applaudable
c) Audible
d) Oral

15) A Person who tries to deceive people by claiming to be able to do wonderful things.

a) Trickster
b) Magician
c) Imposter
d) Montebank

16) A Place for sick people who need long periods of treatment or rest.

a) Clinic
b) Hospital
c) Asylum
d) Sanatorium

17) A large sleeping room with many beds.

a) Bedroom
b) Dormitory
c) Hostel
d) Bunglow

18) Hater of Learning and knowledge.

a) Misogynist
b) Misanthropist
c) Misologist
d) Bibliophile

19) A Person who insists on something.

a) Sticker
b) Boaster
c) Instantaneous
d) Disciplinarian

20) One who loves the study of books.

a) Bigamy
b) Bibliographer
c) Biography
d) Bibliophile