HTML tutorial


1. At a loss
a. at a business loss
b. at a relation loss
c. to be unable to decide
d. none of above
Answer: Option C
Example: I am at a loss to know what to do.
2. At dagger's drawn
a. to have bitter enmity
b. to be very friendly
c. to be unknown
d. to be very familiar
Answer: Option A
Enmity means The state or feeling of being actively opposed
Example : The quarrel between two friends has grown more bitter now and they are at dagger's drawn.
3. At large
a. very famous
b. not famous
c. abscond
d. very far
Answer: Option C
Example : Police is trying to catch him but he is still at large.
4. At sea
a. baffled
b. very happy
c. very excited
d. very sad
Answer: Option A
Example : My brother is at sea in maths, he can not solve even the easy problems.
5. A bigger bang for your buck
a. More for your money
b. Not for money
c. More for your nature
d. More for your smile
Answer: Option A
This is a treat that gives you plenty of bang for the buck
6. At sixes and sevens
a. in perfect order
b. very happy
c. in disorder
d. very sad
Answer: Option C
Example : After the theft in the home every thing was at sixes and seven.
7. Argus eyed
a. Doubtful
b. Very Confident
c. Very Calm
d. Careful
Answer: Option D
Careful or Observant
Example : Being a politician he is Argus Eyed and never overlooks even a small matter.
8. A load of cobblers
a. Good news
b. Very famous
c. Rubbish
d. None of above
Answer: Option C
Example : I feel it is just a a load of cobblers
9. A pig in a poke
a. accept deal in a pressure
b. accept deal without knowing
c. accept deal after detail analysis
d. accept deal due to threat
Answer: Option B
Example : I do not buy clothes online, I feel it is like a pig in poke because I can feel the fabric online.
10. At one fell swoop
a. After lots of thinking
b. In a single action
c. By mistake
d. Joint action
Answer: Option B
Example : In one fell swoop the bank wiped away the tentative benefits of this policy.


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