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Scientists study the world around us using the scientific method. They perform experiments to find out how nature works. While we often talk about a person being a "scientist", there are actually many different types of scientists. This is because most scientists study and become experts in a specific field of science.
There are literally hundreds of scientific fields of study. We will just list a few of the types of scientists here:
Astronomer - Studies the planets, stars, and galaxies.
Botanist - Studies plant life.
Chemist - Studies chemistry and the behavior, properties, and composition of matter.
Cytologist - Studies cells.
Ecologist - Studies the relationship between living organisms and the environment.
Entomologist - Studies insects.
Geneticist - Studies genes, DNA, and the hereditary characteristics of living organisms.
Geologist - Studies the properties of matter that makes up Earth as well as
the forces that shaped it.
Marine biologist - Studies the living organisms that live in the ocean and other bodies of water.
Microbiologist - Studies microscopic life forms such as bacteria and protists.
Meteorologist - Studies the Earth's atmosphere including the weather.
Nuclear physicist - Studies the interactions and make up of the atom.
Ornithologist - Studies birds.
Paleontologist - Studies prehistoric life and fossils including dinosaurs.
Pathologist - Studies diseases caused by pathogens such as bacteria and viruses.
Seismologist - Studies earthquakes and the movements of the Earth's crust.
Zoologist - Studies animals.


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