HTML tutorial



Lack of agreements between people, ideas, etc
Lack of order : a confused or messy condition
Lack of respect or dislike for someone or something
Lack of seriousness
Lack of solidity or substance; thinness
Lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group
 Anomie (anomy)
Lacking confidence : not feeling comfortable around people, very careful about acting or speaking
(Land) used or suitable for growing crops
(Language) used in conversation but not in formal speech or writing
(Legislative body) having two chambers
Language of ordinary speechs rather than formal writing
Language or behaviour that is nonsense and is intended to hide the truth from people
Language that is intended to influence people and that may not be honest or reasonable
Language that is used among people who speak various different languages
 Lingua franca
Language used by a particular group of people
Language used for a particular activity or by a particular group of people
Large amount of money that has been given to a school, hospital, etc., and that is used to pay for its creation and continuing support : person's natural ability or talent
Large amount of rain that suddenly falls in an area : large amount of things that come at the same time
Large amount of something that is released suddenly
Large and beautiful view of an area of land or  water
Large and very unpleasant amount of dirt
Large areas of land that have been farmed, too much with the result that plants will not grow there
Large buildings or group of buildings for soldiers to live in
Large ,burial ground, especially Qne not in a churchyard
Large business that is made of different. kinds of companies
Large cages, buildings, or enclosures for keeping birds in
Large group of people or things of a particular kind
Large group of people, especially' an organized group with a particular purpose
Large group of people
Large notices or signs put up in a public place or carried by people
Large number of things that appear or happen in a short period of time
Large open air fire used for burning rubbish or as part of a celebration
Large parties or celebrations
Large parties or celebrations
Large tents used for social or commercial functions . covered structures over the entrance to a building
Largecalibre guns used in warfare on land
Lasting for a very short time
Lasting for a very short time
Late morning meals eaten instead of breakfast and lunch
Laws or regulations made by a government
Laws or rules that limit or control something strong criticism
Leaving (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will
Legal agreements in which a person borrows money to buy property (such as a house) and pays back the money over a period of years
Legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish and sell a book, musical recording, etc., for a certain period of time
Letter or group of letters that is added at the beginning of a word to change its meaning
Level of respect that people have for a succesitful person, organizatum, etc
Light that is placed somewhere to guide vehicies and warn them of danger
Likely to change in a very sudden or extreme way likely to become dangerous or out of control
Likely to have or produce good results 
Limited to a small number of people
Lines in a newspaper naming the writer of an article
Lines notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles
Lines on a weather map that join places that have the same air pressure at a particular time
Lines on a weather map that join places that have the same temperature at a particular time
Lines that have a series of short, sharp turns or angles
Lists of items required, things to be done, or points to be considered, used as a reminder
Lists of the books referred to in a scholarly work ,typically printed as an appendix
Lists of the foods that may be ordered at a restaurant
Lists of the people or things that belong to a particular group, team, etc.
Lists of the people who work for a company and the amount of money that the company has agreed to pay them
Lists that show who must do a certain job
Lively or energetic quality
Living in trees
Long and angry fights or quarrels between two people or two groups
Long and angry speechs
Long and complicated series of events
Long and determined efforts to achieve something that one believes to be right or to stop something that one belives to be wrong
Long journeys to a distant or unknown place especially over water or through outer space
Long poems that tell the story of a hero's adventures
Long speeches given by a character in a story, movie, play, etc., or by a performer
Long, complicated, and annoying process, descriptions
Long, narrow boxes, typically of wood, in which a dead body is buried or cremated
Long, thin sticks used by a magician or during magic tricks
Long, usually serious speeches that a character in a play make to an audience and that reveal the character's thoughts
Longterm security yielding a fixed rate of Debenture interest, issued by a company and secured against assets
Looking at someone in an evil or unpleasantly sexual way
Looking for private information about someone Snoop or something
Lots of energy and style
Loud and confused noises, strongly expressed  protest or demand from a large number of people
Loud, confusing mixture of noises that lasts for a  long time
Loving and admiring oneself and especially one's appearance too much