HTML tutorial


Natural Satellites

1. What was the capital of kaniska?
2. Where in India is Jim korbet National Park Located?
3. The matterial used in solar cells contains?
4. The indus valley people traded with the?
5. Which state is called Spice Garden of India?
6. The indian king who opposed alexander was?
7. Jhum is?
 A type of Cultivation
8. In ancient india the earliest capital of Magadha kingdom was at?
9. When alexander invaded india, who were the rulers of Magadha ?
10. Where was the seat of the first Republic of the world in 6th century BC?
11. How does the sun gets its energy?
from nuclear Fusion
12. The tropic of cancer does not pass through ?
13. The sun is never overhead at any time in?
 South temperate zone
14. Titan is the largest natural satellite of planet?
15. The distance of the earth from the sun is about?
 149 million km
16. What does the term Lithosphere refer to?
crust of the earth
17. The harappan civilization was discovered in the year
18. The formation of 'Mushroom rock' in desert region is an exampule of?
19. The molten rock below the surface of the earth is called?
20. Chemical weathering is most prominent in?
Humid tropical region
21. Ampere is the unite of?
current electricity
22. Distance of the stars are measured in?
light year
23. The correct value of zero degree celcius on the kelvin scale is?
273 kelvin
24. When lake stars breezing the formation of ice will stars first at the?
25. A gas behaves as an ideal gas more closely?
low pressure and low tempreture