1. Railway
Minister Suresh Prabhu has flagged off which express train in Bihar
Answer. Champaran Satyagrah
2. Who is
appointed as the Head of the UNMilitary Observer Group in India andPakistan
Answer. Per lodin
3. Name the
country, Which has received validation from WHO for having
eliminatedmother-to-child transmission of HIV andsyphilis
Answer. Thailand
4. Name the
company which has signed anagreement with FCI forf construction of twosilos
to store wheat
Answer. Adani Group
5. Name the place
where Adani group willconstruct the two silos
Answer. Kotkapura in Punjab and Katihar
6. Name the
state. Which has decided to celebrate the 21st day of every month asYoga Day
across all schools, colleges anduniversities in the State
Answer. Maharastra
7. Name the
person who has resigned fromthe post of MTNL's CMD
Answer. Narendra Yadav
8. Who has given
the additional charge ofCMD's post of MTNL and also expand theterm MTNL
Answer. P K
Purwar...........MahanagarTelephone Nigam Limited (MTNL)
9. Recently, How
many elements have been added in the periodic table
Answer. 4 new chemical element
10. Which company
properties is going tosell by SEBI for Rs.1,900 crore
Answer. Sahara Properties
11. The sale of
Sahara properties will beconducted by which two agency on behalf ofSEBI
Answer. SBI Capital Markets & HDFC
12. Name the
exercise, which has conductedin the Bay of Bengal, off Chennai betweenJune 8
and 11
Answer. Sahyog-Hyeobleod-2016(India - korea)
13. Name the
company which has baggedthe MNRE award for rooftop solar powerprojects
Answer. Tata Power
14. Name the Rice
Variants, which have beendeveloped by the Researchers recently
Answer. Ranjit Sub-1 and Bahadur Sub-1
15. Name the
Indian-American author whohas won the Dublin International literaryaward
Answer. Akhil Sharma
16. Name the
novel for which Mr. Sharmas won the Dublin International Literaryprize and
what is the total amount of thisaward
Answer. 100,000 euro, family life
17. Name the
country, which has topped thelist of 19 countries figuring in the 2016Malware
Infection Index (MII) in the Asia-Pacific region
Answer. Pakistan...india (8 position)
18. Name the
Nepal's Deputy Prime Ministerwho is going to arrive in New Delhi on
athree-day visit
Answer. Mr. kamal Thapa
19. Mr. Kamal
Thapa, who is also Nepal'sForeign Minister will attend the convocationof
which University in New Delhi
Answer. South asian university
20. Name the
Joint-Initiative, which waslaunched for empowering women and theircommunities
by providing basic training onthe usage and benefits of the internet
Answer. Internet Sathi,joint initiative
ofGoogle & TATA