General Instructions :
1. Total of 60 minutes for Prelims and 120 minutes for Mains exam will be given to attempt all the questions.
2. The clock will show remaining time for you to complete the exam . When the clock runs out the exam ends by default.
3 . The question palette at the right of screen shows one of the following statuses of each of the questions numbered.
The marked for review status acts as a reminder that you have set to look at the question again . If an answer is selected for a question that is marked for review , the answer will be considered in the final evaluation.
Navigating to a question :
4. To select a question to answer , you can do one of the following:
a. Click on the question number on the question palette at the right of your screen to go to that numbered question directly . Note that using this option does NOT save your answer to the current question.
b. Click on Save and Next to save answer to current question and to go to the next question in sequence.
c. Click on Mark for review and Next to save answer to current question , mark it for review , and to go to the next question in sequence.
5. You can view the entire paper by clicking the Question Paper button.
Answering the question:
6. For multiple choice type question:
a. To select your answer , click on one of the option buttons.
b. To change your answer , click the another desired option button.
c. To save your answer , you must click on Save and Next.
d. To deselect a chosen answer , click on the chosen option again or click on the Clear response button.
e. To mark a question for review click on Mark for Review and Next . If an answer is selected for a question that is Marked for Review , the answer will be considered in final evaluation.
7. To change an answer to a question , first select the question and then click on the new answer option followed by a click in the Save and Next button.
8. Question that are saved or marked for review after answering will only be considered for evaluation.
Navigating through sections:
9 . Sections i this question paper are displayed on the top bar of the screen . Questions in a section can be viewed by clicking on the section name . The section you are currently viewing is highlighted.
10. After clicking the save and next button on the last question for a section you will automatically be taken to the first question for the next section .
11. You can move the mouse cursor over the section names to view the status of the questions for that section.
12. You can shuffle between sections and questions anytime during the examination as per your convenience .
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