Spotting error
1. Certain nouns
always take a singular verb.
Scenery, advice,
information, machinery,stationery, furniture, abuse, fuel, gram,
issue,bedding, repair, news, poetry, business,economics, physics,
mathematics, classics, ethics,innings.
(a) The scenery of Shimla isenchanting.
(b) She has given
2. Some nouns are
used as plural nouns andalways take a plural verb.
Cattle, gentry,
peasantry, artillery, people, clergy,company, police.
(a) The people arewatching us.
(b) The police
are in the house.
3. Some nouns are
used in a plural form and takea plural verb.
scissors, spectacles, shorts, measles,goods, premises, thanks, tidings,
annals, chattels,etc.
(a) Where are my spectacles?
(b)Trousers are
also available at cheaper prices.
4. Certain nouns
that indicate
measure,money, weight or number, if they are preceded by a numeral, they
remain unchanged in form.Foot, metre, pair, score, dozen, year,
hundred,thousand, million.
(a) It is a two-yearpost-graduation diploma
(b) I havebought
twelve dozen of apples.
5. Collective
nouns like
jury, public, team,committee, government,
orchestra, company, etc.are used both as singular and plural depending onthe
meaning. When these words indicate a unit,the verb is singular, otherwise the
verb will beplural.
(a) The public were furious over theissue.
(b) The orchestra
has not started yet.
6. Certain nouns
have one meaning in the singularand another in the plural
advice = counsel,
advices = information, authority= command, authorities = persons in good =
wise,goods = property iron = metal, irons = fetters,chains, force = strength,
forces = army, content =satisfaction, contents = things contained, physic
=medicine, physics = physical sciences, respect =regards, respects =
compliments work = job,works = compositions, factories, quarter = one-fourth,
quarters = houses.
(a) I havethe authority to correct it.
(b) The
authorities willbe arriving tomorrow.
7. While using
‘everybody’, ‘anyone’, ‘anybody',and ‘each’ the pronoun is used according to
(a) Anyone can do this work if he trieswith
all the effort
(b) Each of the
five men in thecar has carried his laptop.
8. The pronoun
‘one’ must be followed by ‘one’s’.
(a) One must complete one’s task within the
9. When two or
more singular nouns are joinedtogether by ‘either or’; ‘neither nor’; and
‘or’, thepronoun should be singular.
(a) Either Sita or Geeta will attend
(b) Neither Mohan
nor Krishna has donehis task.
10. When a
singular and a plural noun are joinedby ‘or’, ‘nor’, the pronoun should be
(a) Either the manager or his sub-ordinates
failed in completing their assignment.
11. Use of
‘whose’ and ‘which’
‘Whose’ is usedfor living persons and ‘which’
for lifeless objects.
(a) Whose artwork is this?
Whichfictional character do you like the most?
12. Use of ‘each
other’ and ‘one another’
‘Eachother’ is
used when there are two subjects orobjects and ‘one another’ when there are
morethan two.
(a) Those five boys, who are
playingfootball, hate one another.
(b) Sneha and
Smitaare the best friends; they always stand for eachother.
13. Use of
pronoun for collective nouns
(a) The jury is going to give its verdict tomorrow.
(b) The group are
divided in their opinion about the reason of corruption in India.
14. Use of ‘some’
and ‘any’
'Some' is used inaffirmative sentences to
express quantity ordegree. 'Any' is used in negative or
(a) I shall buy some apples.
(b) I shallnot
buy any apples.
(c) Have you
bought anyapples?
15. Use of 'few',
'a few', and 'the few'
The use of 'few',
'a few', and 'the few' should be usedwith care. They denote 'number'.'Few'
means 'not many'. It is the opposite ofmany. A 'few' is positive and means
'some atleast'. It is the opposite of none. 'The few' means'whatever there
(a) Few men areperfect in their works.
(b) A few boys are presentin the class.
(c) I have
already seen the fewmovies that I have in my laptop.
16. Use of ‘less'
and 'fewer'
'Less' denotes quantity and 'fewer' denotes
(a) No fewer than twenty girls went forthe
picnic last weekend.
(b) There are no
lessthan six liters of water in that pitcher.
17. Use of
little, a little, the little
'Little' means'hardly any'.
(a) There is little hope of his coming back.
(b) A little knowledge is good for nothing.
(c) The little
milk that is left in the container maybe used for making tea.
18. Use of elder,
'Older' refers to
persons as well as things and isfollowed by 'than'.
(a) Sita is five yearolder that Gita.
(b) Sita is the
elder sister of Gita.
19. Use of ‘than’
Generally 'than'
is used in thecomparative degree, but with words like superior,inferior,
senior, junior, prior, prefer 'to' is used.
(a) Mita is senior to Mohini.
(b) Afterhaving
dinner, I prefer walking to sleeping.
20. In some
cases, the comparison must be givenproper attention.
(a) The climate of Mumbai is betterthan the
climate of Delhi. Or (a) The climate ofMumbai is better that that of Delhi.
(b) Thesummer in
Delhi is hotter than that of Mumbai.
21. Use of ‘Many
‘Many a’ is always followedby the singular
(a) Many a man was dressed in blue.
22. Verb while
joining two subjects
When 'aswell as', 'along with', 'together
with', 'no lessthan', 'in addition to', and 'not' and 'with' jointwo subjects,
the verb should be according to thefirst subject.
(a) Ram, as well as his five friends,has
gone for the picnic.
(b) The teacher,
alongwith the students, is also going for the picnic.
23. While joining
two subjects using 'either or','neither nor', the verb agrees with the
subject thatis near.
(a) Either Reena or I am supposed todo that
(b) Neither he
nor his friends are going.
24. While joining
singular nouns using 'and' pointout the same thing or person, the verb will
(a) Bread and butter is good to take
(b) The Principle
and the Vice-chancellor is on leave today.
25. 'No sooner'
should be followed by 'than'.
(a) No sooner had the singer enteredthe
stage than the audience started to applause.
26. 'Lest' is
followed by 'Should'.
(a) Study hard lest you should not scorewell
in board exams.
27. 'Such' is
followed by 'as'.
(a) He is such a singer as everybodymust
listen to him.
(b) The taste of
the cake wassuch good that I ate it up all.
28. 'not' is
never used with 'unless'.
(a) Unless you study hard, you will notscore
29. 'not' should
never be used with ‘until’.
(a) Keep reading until I say stop.
30. 'Since'
indicates a point of time whereas 'for'stands for the length of time.
(a) I have been working with thiscompany for
two months.
(b) I have been
workingwith this company since 2010.
31. 'As if' is
used to convey the sense ofpretension. When 'as if' is used in this
sense,'were' is used in all cases, even with third personsingular.
(a) He talks as if he knew everything.
32. If two
actions in a sentence are shownhappening in the past, one after the other;
thetense of the action happening first should be inpast perfect and that of
the second should be inpast indefinite.
(a) The train had left before I reachedthe
railway station.
33. Two actions
in the past, one depending on theother, should have the following sequence
(a) If you had studied hard, you wouldhave
passed in the exam. Or (a) Had you studiedhard, you would have passed in the
(b) If you had
practiced regularly, you would havewon the singing competition.
34. If, in a
sentence, two actions are indicatedand both are to take place in future, the
sequenceof tenses will be as given in examples
(a) If I cry, he will get angry on me.
(b) If it rains,
I shall not go for the picnic.
35. 'a' is used
before a consonant.
(a) Here is a University, which
offerscourses in Communication Management
(b) AEuropean
couple lives in my neighborhood.
36. Words like
'hour', 'honest', 'heir', etc. take'an' before them as they begin with a
(a) I have been watching television foran hour.
37. Note the
following points to remember regarding the omission of a/an/the
1. Man is a social animal.
2. Gold is
aprecious metal.
3. Delhi is the heart of India
4.Curiosity is
the mother of invention.
5. Hindi ismy mother tongue.
6. I am a
Christian; I go tochurch every Sunday.
7. My aunt is arrivingtoday.
8. He is elected
vice-chancellor of theuniversity.
38. Uses of 'the'
1. The earth rotates from east to west.
2. He is the best
cricket player in his class.
3. TheTaj Mahal,
The Hindustan Times, The Geeta, ThePacific Ocean
4. The great Ashoka.
5. The richshould
help poors.
6. I love to play
the piano.
7.The lion is the
king of animals
8. The faster wewalk, the sooner we reach.
39. While joining
two singular nouns by 'and' arepreceded by 'each' or 'every' the pronoun
usedfor them must be singular.
a) Each man and each boy should bringhis
40. If a pronoun
comes after a preposition itshould be used in the objective case.
a) Between you and me neither of us
isresponsible for that mess.
41. A pronoun
takes an objective case after 'let'.
a) Let me think over it.
42. When Pronouns
joined by 'and' remain in thesame case.
a) He and she are husband and wife.
b) She and I are
43. Relative
pronoun 'that' is used in preferenceto 'who' or 'which' after adjectives in
thesuperlative degree.
a) This is the best that I can do foryou. b)
The finest man that I have ever met withis you.
44. When two
qualities of a person are comparedusing 'more' or 'less' before the
adjective, thenthe adjective following them takes positivedegree.
a) Shikha is more beautiful thanintelligent.
45. When two or
more adjectives are used toshow the qualities of the same man, all
theadjectives must be in the same degree.
a) Sita is more beautiful and wiserthan
b) Rahul is the wisest and thefunniest boy
of the class.
46. 'Very' is
used with adjectives in the positivedegree and with present participles.
a) She is a very intelligent girl.
b) It isa very
interesting movie.
47. ‘as’
To show equality' as' is used before
andafter the adjective.
a) Sita is as beautiful as Geeta.
48. Certain
adjectives do not admit of comparisonand thus they always remain in the
'chief', 'circular', 'complete', 'entire','extreme', 'excellent',
'impossible', 'perfect','right', 'round', 'unique', 'universal', 'whole',
a) This is the
perfect cake I have ever made.
49. Please note
that a verb must agree with itssubject and not with the complement.
a) The only well-wisher I have is mytwo
childhood friends.
50. When the
plural subject denotes a definiteamount or quantity taken as a whole, the
verb issingular.
a) Fifty miles is a good distance.
of the movies was boring.
51. The plural
'heaps' and 'lots' used for a greatamount and take a singular verb unless a
pluralnoun with 'of' is added.
a) There is lots of food.
b) There arelots
of foods to consume.
52. Use of ‘each’
and ‘every’
When 'each' or'every' two singular subjects,
even if connectedby 'and', take a singular verb.
a) Each boy and every girl wasaccommodated
in the lodge.
53. The following
verbs are always followed by aninfinitive
'decide', 'plan',
'expect', 'fail', 'hope', 'learn','promise', 'refuse', 'want', 'agree',
'consent','love', etc.
a) I plan to settle in NewYork.
54. The following
verbs and phrases must befollowed by a gerund
'enjoy', 'admit',
'appreciate', 'regret', 'avoid','help', 'consider', 'stop', 'looking forward
to','accustomed to', 'is used to', 'do not mind', etc.
a) I am looking forward to watchingyour
artwork in my home.
b) He is used to
55. After certain
verbs ('bid', 'let', 'make', 'need','see', 'hear') we use the infinitive
without 'to'.
a) Let me handle this.
b) Make him
56. Use of 'had
better', 'had rather', 'wouldrather', 'sooner than' and 'rather than'
See thefollowing example for the use of
a) You had better ask me before goingto
57. 'no other'
should be followed by ‘than’.
a) That night, I saw no other girl thanRiya.
b) Ram has no
other option than stay athome.
58. Using 'know',
'how', or 'when' as an infinitive
See the example below.
a) I know when to speak.
59. ‘elected as
president’ is wrong ‘electedpresident’ is correct.
See the example
below forusing the verbs like 'appointed', 'elected','considered', 'called'.
a) He was elected Secretary of oursociety.
b) I regard Sneha
as my best friend
60. While
expressing quality of the subject, an adjective is used with the verb.
a) The bouquet smelt sweet