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Asked Question

General awareness and Science Questions asked in RRB NTPC 3 April 2016: (1st shift)
1. Which Vitamin responsible for Blood Clotting
 - Vitamin K
2. Male is the Capital of Which Country
 – Maldives
3. Anjolie Ela Menon is from which field
 – Artist (Painter)
4. The longest running train route in india
 - Dibrugarh-Kanyakumari (Vivek Express)
5. The most recent member of WTO
 – Afghanistan
6. The Galilean moons are
 - 4 largest moons of Jupiter
7. Masai mara national reserve in
 – Kenya
8. Sabari Karthik related to
 - Karate player
9. Who was the first woman to climb Mount Everest -
Junko Tabei
10. Capital of Sri Lanka
 – Colombo
11. sepak takraw
 – Game
12. Satyameva Jayate (Truth alone triumphs) is taken from -
Mundaka Upanishad
13. Richter Scale Magnitude 1 means
 – Microearthquakes
14. Capital of Uganda
- Kampala
15. What is Siberian ibex
 – Species of goat
16. What is Makarsankranti
- Hindu Festival
17. Where is Orang National Park
- Assam
18. Chipko Movement firstly started in
 - Rajasthan
19. Which is the cleanest city of India
- Mysore
20. Which is not an Operating System
 - C++
21. Longest River in India which doesn't fall in Sea
 - Yamuna
22. Which is most peaceful country as per the 2015 peace index
 - Iceland
23. Mica is found in which state of India
 - Jharkhand
24. If H2o is water than what is KOH
 - Potassium Hydroxide
25. What does madhubani paintings indicates
 - Forest of Honey
26. Which crop is produced at highest quantity in India
 - Rice
27. What does archipelagos means
 - A group of small island
28. What is planet X
 - Nibiru cataclysm
29. Second Indian nuclear test Pokhran-II code name
 - Operation Shakti
30. Panchatrant author
 Vishnu Sharma

General awareness and Science Questions asked in RRB NTPC 3 April 2016: (2nd shift)

1. Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra is a mosque in
 – Ajmer, Rajasthan
2. NEFA was renamed as Arunachal Pradesh in
 - 1972 (Arunachal Pradesh became a state in 1987)
3. Rakhal Lila is Folk Dance of
 - Assam
4. Fatehpur Sikri made by
 - Akbar
5. Shigmo is
 - Festival celebrated in Goa
6. Sikkim became state in which year
 - 1975
7. Who is the author of Malgudi Days
 - R.K. Narayan
8. Which is Largest Fresh Water Lake in India
 - Wular Lake
9. Holi is celebrated with
 - Gulal
10. What is LIGO
 - Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory
11. Which is most abundant natural combustible gas
 – Methane
12. Karl Marx
 – Philosopher
13. Tripitaka is the sacred book of
 - Buddhism
14. First Nobel Prize in Medicine (1901) awarded to Emil Von Behring for
 - Diphtheria
15. Alfred Nobel discovered –
16. Olympics held first time at
 - Athens
17. India got freedom on 15 August on which time
 - Night
18. Make in India Logo is
 - A Moving Lion
19. What does BESK Stand for
 - Binary Electronic Sequence Calculator
20. “In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher” is quote by
 - Dalai Lama
21. Limerick is
 - A five line poetry
22. What is Oneirology
 - Study of dreams
23. Who was Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1999
 - Nawaz Sharif
24. Headquarter of UNO
 - New York
25. What was the duration of PM Modi’s America visit in 2015
 - 5 Days Visit
26. Change in position with distance is
 - Magnitude
27. Gravitational force on two subjects depends on
 - Combined mass and the distance
28. The world's first full face transplant was completed in
 - Spain in 2010
29. Ukraine revolution
 - Orange Revolution
30. Georgia Revolution
 - Rose Revolution
31. Henning brand discovered 1st element
 - Phosphorus
32. Father of experimental psychology
 - Wilhelm Wundt
33. What is WLAN
 Wireless Local Area Network
34. What is the Full Form of PNR
 Passenger Name Record
35. What is the Full Form of HIL
 Hockey Indian League
36. What is the Language of Bhutan

General awareness and Science Questions asked in RRB NTPC 3 April 2016: (3rd shift)

1. Alfred Nobel invented what
Ans. Dynamite
2. Who built fathehpur sikri
Ans. Akbar
3. World wide Web invented by
Ans. Tim Berners-Lee
4. Azad hind fauj was organised by
Ans. Subhas Chandra Bose
5. North Korea founded by
Ans. Kim 2 Sung
6. Which of the following is not Jupiter satellite
Ans. Titan
7. INS satellites (INSAT) are used for
Ans. Telecommunications, broadcasting, meteorology etc.
8. Main element in marsh gas
Ans. Methane
9. In which state ONGC got environment free certificate to for 4 oil production
Ans. Andhra Pradesh
10. Indian army formed by whom
Ans. subash chandra bose in 1942
11. Davis cup winner 2015
Ans. Britain
12. When ions are added to an element what are the changes occurred
Ans. Chemical Changes
13. Sajan prakash related to
Ans. Swimming
14. What is the average thickness of skin
Ans. 1.95mm
15. When was Indian National Congress formed
Ans. 1885
16. The first nobel price for medicine was given for which disease
Ans. Diptheria
17. Which won 2015 rugby
Ans. New Zealand
18. Who was the First person who drive Lunar Vehicle on moon
 - David Scott & James Irwin