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Asked Question

1) White Desert in India
Ans: Rann of Kuch desert
2) Which thing was discovered by Alexander Fleming
Ans: Penicillin
3) Mughal Dynasty was established by
Ans: Babar
4) First President of Indian National Congress (INC)
Ans: W.C. Bannerjee
5) Noble Prize recipient of India in 2014 for peace
Ans: Kailash Satyarthi
6) Kidney stone is caused by
Ans: Calcium Oxalate
7) Who introduced Orthodox Christianity in Russia
Ans: Vladimir
8) Which of following element is found in room temperature
Ans: Bromine
9) Which of following colour has least wavelength
Ans: Violet
10) Height of badminton net above ground level
Ans: 1.524 meter
11) Molecular formula for sugar
Ans: C12H22O11
12) Which monument was built to commemorate the eradication of plague
Ans: Charminar
13) Father of Indian Space Programmes
Ans: Dr. Vikram Sarabhai
14) Which was first geostationary satellite launched in India
Ans: Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment (APPLE) in 1981
15) World's first space tourist
Ans: Dennis Tito
16) Air conditioner was invented by
Ans: Willis Carrier.
17) What is tri colour ratio of Indian National Flag
Ans: Width : Length = 2:3
18) First woman President of Pakistan
Ans: Benazir Bhutto
19) National song of India was composed by
Ans: Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
20) Tennis is played on which surface
Ans: Hard, Grass and Clay courts
21) Bee : ?:: Dog : KernelAns
: Beehive
22) On which planet frozen water is found
Ans: Pluto
23) How many bones a Infant baby have
Ans: Around 300
24) How many tastes buds are present in tongue
Ans: 5
25) Oldest Oil Reserves in India
Ans: Digboi
26) Which one out of the following moved ahead but fights across in Chess Options: Bishop, pawn,Rook, One other
 Ans: pawn