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Synonyms and antonyms

(1) Inception ( आरम्भ , प्रारंभ , शुरुआत )

beginning; start; commencement.

Example - He has been the director of the project since its inception.

Synonyms - origin,Beginning, outset, source, root, conception.

Antonyms - conclusion,end,close,completion,consequence etc

(2) Colossal (विशाल, बहुत बड़ा)

English Meaning - Extraordinarily great in size, extent, or degree; gigantic; huge.

Synonyms- Huge,enormous,monstrous,gigantic etc

Antonyms -Miniature,teeny,tiny,little,minute,small etc

(3) Paradox (वह बात जो कि वास्तव में सच हो परन्तु देखने में साफ झूठी जान पड़ती हो)

English Meaning - A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality 
expresses a possible truth.

Synonyms - Mystery,Ambiguity,Puzzle,absurdity.

Antonyms - Regularity,Usualness,accuracy,normality, truth

(4) Vigorous (सशक्त)

English Meaning - Energetic, Powerful, Full of physical and Mental Strength

Synonyms- Active,brisk,dynamic,effective,efficient,forceful,healthy

Antonyms - Apathetic,delicate,dispirited,dull,easy,facile,feeble,helpless etc

(5) Proliferate ( प्रचूर मात्रा में होना ,प्रचुर मात्रा में उत्पन्न होना या करना )

English Meaning - Increase Quickly, Grow Rapidly, Increase Rapidly etc

Synonyms- Generate, Propagate, Multiply, Reproduce etc

Antonyms- Decrease, Kill, Destroy, Lessen, Shrink etc

(6) Stipulate( सौदा तय करना, गारंटी देना)

English Meaning - Make an oral contract or agreement in the verbal form of question and answer that 
is necessary to give it legal force.

Synonyms - Impose, Designate, Specify, engage,Make a point etc

Antonyms - Refuse, break,mix up, decline, break off, discourage etc

(7) Censure (निंदा,दोष लगाना,अपराधी ठहराना)

English Meaning - Severe Criticism, to criticize or reproach in a harsh or vehement manner.

Synonyms - blame,rebuke,condemnation,reprimand

Antonyms - Praise, Compliment,Encouragement etc

(8) Diligent ( परिश्रमी, एकाग्रचित्त)

English Meaning - Hard Working, persevering.

Synonyms - Active,industrious,tireless,eager,attentive etc

Antonyms - Careless,Inactive,disinterested,idle,lazy,ignorant etc

(9) Contemplation ( ध्यान, चिंतन )

English Meaning - deep thought, Planning

Synonyms - Meditation,deliberation,intension,ambition etc

Antonyms - Ignorance, Rejection,neglect,slight,avoidance etc

(10) Adulation ( अतिप्रशंसा, चिकनी चुपडी बातें, चापलूसी)

English Meaning - Servile flattery; praise in excess, or beyond what is merited.

Synonyms - Applause, Commendation,Flattery,Blandishment etc

Antonyms - Abuse, Criticism etc