HTML tutorial


False fruit

1. The flowering plants are collectively called
Answer: Angiosperms

2. The reproductive units in Angiosperms is called
Answer: Flower

3. The male reproductive organ of the flower
Answer: Androecium

4. The female reproductive organ of a flower
Answer: Gynoecium

5. Study of flowers
Answer: Anthology

6. Fruits developed from the parts of the flower other than a card
Answer: False fruits (Apple)

7. Smallest pollen
Answer: Myosotis

8. Largest pollen
Answer: Mirabilis

9. Father of angiosperm embryology in India
Answer: P. Maheswari

10. Pollination by the agency of water
Answer: Hydrophily

11. Pollination by the agency of animals
Answer: Zoophily

12. Pollination by the agency of birds
Answer: Ornithophily

13. Pollination by the agency of bats
Answer: Chiropterophily

14. After fertilization ovule developed into
Answer: Seed

15. After fertilization ovary wall developed into
Answer: Fruit wall

16. After fertilization ovary developed into
Answer: Fruit

17. Final product of sexual reproduction in angiosperms
Answer: Seed

18. Study of fruits is called
Answer: Pomology