HTML tutorial


ACF --------- Auto-Correlation Function

AD --------- Authorized Dealer

ADB ---------- Asian Development Bank

ADR ---------- American Depository Receipt

AFS ----------- Annual Financial Statement

AGM ----------- Annual GeneralMeeting

AIRCSC ----------- All India Rural Credit Survey Committee

AO --------- Additive Outliers

AR --------- Auto Regression

ARIMA ---------- Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average

AFS ----------- Available For Sale

ASSOCHAM ---------- Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India

ATM ---------- Asynchronous Transfer Mode

ATM ---------- Automated Teller Machine

BIS ----------- Bank for International Settlements

BOI ----------- Bank of India

BoP ----------- Balance of Payments

BPM5 ----------- Balance of Payments Manual, 5th edition

BPSD ---------- Balance of Payments Division, DESACS, RBI

BSCS ---------- Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

BSR ----------- Basic Statistical Returns

CAD ---------- Capital Account Deficit

CAG ---------- Controller and Auditor General of India

CBS ---------- Consolidated Banking Statistics

CC --------- Cash Credit

CD --------- Certificate of Deposit

CD ---------- Ratio Credit Deposit Ratio

CDBS ----------- Committee of Direction on Banking Statistics

CF ---------- Company Finance

CFRA ----------- Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts

CGRA ----------- Currency and Gold Revaluation Account

CII ------------ Confederation of Indian Industries

CO ----------- Capital Outlay

CP --------- Commercial Paper

CPI ---------- Consumer Price Index

CPI-IW ----------- Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers

CR --------- Capital Receipts

CRAR ---------- Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio

CRR ----------- Cash Reserve Ratio

CSIR ----------- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

CSO ---------- Central Statistical Organisation

CVC ---------- Central Vigilance Commission


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