HTML tutorial


1. Like a fish out of water - In a strange situation

2. Smell a rat - Suspect something foul

3. Read between the lines - Understand the hidden meaning

4. Tooth and Nail - With all of one’s power

5. Spread like wild fire - Spread quickly

6. Hit the nail on the head - Do or say the exact thing

7. Burn the midnight Oil - Work or study hard

8. Under his thumb - Under his control

9. With a high hand - Oppressively

10. Gain ground - Become popular

11. By leaps and bounds - Rapidly

12. Make off with - To run away with

13. Pass away - to die

14. To cry for the moon - Ask for the impossible

15. To make a pig of oneself - To over-eat

16. Donkey’s years - Very long time

17. To pull one’s leg - to joke; tease

18. To keep one’s fingers crossed - to hope fervently

19. To eat humble pie - To apologize in a humble manner

20. To fight a losing battle - Struggle without hope of success

21. A deadlock - A position when no progress can be made

22. A daredevil - A person who does not care for any


23. Once in a blue moon - Very rarely

24. At a premium - Difficult to get or obtain

25. To play the game - To act honestly


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