HTML tutorial


1. Embrace – Hold each other closely, Accept eagerly
2. Sly – Something which is meant to keep as secret (Illicit)/An action which is done in secret
Syno – Sneaky, Cunning

3. Grave – Serious, important, worrying situation or event
4. Fraught - A situation or action filled with problems and risks
Syno –Overwrought, Distraught

5. Cement – To make relationship or agreement stronger
6. Resonate – To produce a deep and strong sound
7. Adage – General truth about some aspect of life
Syno – Epigraph, Cliché, Maxim, Axiom

8. Wrest – Take something from someone (Illegally)
9. Outwit – Using trick to defeat someone or take advantage of them
Syno – Outsmart, Outplay, Outmaneuver

10. Downtrodden – Badly treated, oppressed
Syno - Oppressed, Subjugated, Subdued


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