United Nations, Specialized Agencies and Related Bodies
Organization = Headquarter
United Nations = New York
Food and Agriculture Organization = Rome
International Atomic Energy Authority = Vienna
International Civil Aviation Organization = Montreal
International Labour Organization = Geneva
International Maritime Organization = London
International Seabed Authority = Kingston
International Telecommunications Union = Geneva
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea = Hamburg
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization =
Universal Postal Union = Berne
World Health Organization = Geneva
World Intellectual Property Organization = Geneva
World Meteorological Organization = Geneva
World Trade Organization = Geneva
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda = Arusha
International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia = Haag
International Fund for Agricultural Development = Rome
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change = Bonn
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime = Vienna
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
= New York/ Geneva
= New York/ Geneva
United Nations Secretariat of the Convention to Combat
Desertification = Geneva
Desertification = Geneva
United Nations University = Tokyo
United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme = ReykjavÃk
United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture = Geneva
United Nations Children's Fund = New York
United Nations Development Fund for Women = New York
United Nations Development Programme = New York
United Nations Environment Programme = Nairobi
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees = Geneva
United Nations Population Fund = New York
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinial
Refugees = Gaza / Amman
Refugees = Gaza / Amman
World Food Programme = Geneva
II. World Bank and Related Bodies
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development= Washington
International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes = Washington
International Development Association = Washington
International Finance Corporation = Washington
International Monetary Fund = Washington
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency = Washington
III. Other International Organizations and Bodies
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (Preparatory Commission) = Vienna
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea = Copenhagen
International Criminal Police Organization = Lyon
International Exhibitions Bureau (Bureau International d' Expositions) = Paris
International Hydrographic Organization Monte = Carlo
International Maritime Satellite Organization = London
International Telecommunications Satellite Organization = Washington
International Customs Tariffs Bureau = Brussels
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons = Haag
Permanent Court of Arbitration = Haag
World Customs Organization = Brussels
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